Lifesaving actions by the Facilities Team!


We are proud to share the positive actions of our team members, Charlotte Williams, Christina Odgers, and Nancy Jayne, who saved the life of a 95-year-old resident.

Last week, Charlotte was conducting a kitchen survey when she received an unexpected request for help from the tenant. The elderly tenant had fallen in the bath and had been trapped there for a day and a half. Charlotte immediately responded, helping the tenant out of the bath and caring for them before making them a cup of tea. Christina and Nancy provided support and contacted the emergency services and family. The tenant was taken to the hospital and is now getting the necessary care. 

The tenant's daughter shared with Charlotte that 'she saved her mum's life' and expressed her sincere gratitude for Charlotte's kindness and compassion.

This story is a reminder that we can all make a difference in the lives of others, even through simple acts of kindness. It also highlights the importance of checking on our neighbours and loved ones, especially if they are elderly or vulnerable.

We are incredibly proud of Charlotte, Christina, and Nancy for their kind actions. They are a shining example of our commitment to our community and our values of caring, compassion, and respect.

Charlotte’s statement

“The tenant is an incredibly strong woman to have endured what she went through, I completely admire her strength for a 95-year-old. It’s her strength and determination that led me to find my inner strength to lift her out. We had a giggle along the way, and for someone who doesn’t drink tea, I managed to make her a cup that was perfectly acceptable. I’m forever grateful for Nancy and Chrissy for making those calls whilst I put all my focus onto the tenant. Thank you.”

Christina’s statement

“In the nearly 7 years I have been working in the housing association sector I have never needed to call the emergency services. I felt very concerned regarding the situation and acted quickly to call the emergency services. The team acted fast and efficiently in the situation”

Nancy’s statement

“Having been advised that Charlotte had discovered a tenant who was unfortunately stuck in her bath for the past 1.5 days, I called the tenants daughter who thankfully picked up straightaway.  I advised I was calling on behalf of her mother, who was in this predicament, but that my colleague was there to assist with helping her out of the bath, making her warm and comfortable and providing her with a drink and something to eat. I also advised that my colleague Christina was on the telephone to the emergency services at the same time and that we were waiting for a response.  The tenant’s daughter was in a position to make her way to her mother’s house and Charlotte waited with the tenant until her daughter arrived. I made a follow up phone call later in the day and the tenants daughter advised that an ambulance was on the way. She was very appreciative that Charlotte was there to assist and wait with her mother, and also grateful to us all as a team in dealing with this in a swift and calm manner.”


Charlotte Williams & Christina Odgers