The Dairy complex extension


In this section

Corserv Facilities team have recently completed the South Hendra Farm project with great results.

The building at South Hendra Farm, known as “the dairy complex extension”, was an exhausted structure which extended the dairy complex. Corserv Facilities were called to replace the failed structure, with a new 'like for like' building. Below is the schedule of works when key stages of the project were complete.

Specific key dates relating to the project:

Date 1: 14/08/2023 – Start date, enabling works & bracing commences.

Date 2: 17/08/2023 – Demolition commences.

Date 3: 29/08/2023 – Foundation work commences.

Date 4: 01/09/2023 – Steel Frame erection commences.

Date 5: 12/09/2023 – Roof Installation commences.

Date 6: 15/09/2023 – Cladding Installation commences.

Date 7: 20/09/2023 – Groundwork/Concrete Repairs commences.

Date 8: 29/09/2023 – Quality Control checks.

Date 9: 17/10/2023 – Building handover to tenant farmer.


South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - before     South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - after
South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - before        South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - after
South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - internal photo
South Hendra Farm - Dairy complex - internal photo